Tuesday 5 May 2009

New Western Harbour Development(Summary2)

Part 1

Many people, bats, birds, and insects live in Sweden's new Western Harbour development. In this place, there are lots of innovations in waste management, renewable energy and sustainable transport. But the planners went one step further by demanding that developers also incorporate measures to promote biodiversity.
Each developer had to choose ten designs. One of them is installing bat boxes inside a plot's boundary, only using materials in the courtyards that had been used before, and installing shelves suitable for swallows to nest on.
Nine seabirds in the western side of the port were discovered recently. The planners generally get good marks for making biodiversity a priority. Although, the Bo01 houses incorporated features to promote sustainable living and biodiversity, residents have tended to buy them simply for their location or appearance. The aim for the new developments is to raise awareness so people buy them because of their green credentials.
Some of the activities were done to instill the importance of living sustainably and maintaining Earth's biodiversity. Developers are being asked to install rooftop wind turbines and follow even more stringent rules for encouraging biodiversity than with Bo01.
The Western Harbour model is being adopted by Malmo in its city-wide environmental building programme. This will increase the number of habitats across a wider area, making it easier for plants and animals to become established and naturally increasing biodiversity.

Part 2

People live with great groups of organisms in this life. Therefore we should be increasing the necessary measures to enhance biodiversity. In addition, there are several indicators of biological diversity and an increase in green spaces in Western Harbour, Malmo.

Part 3

I agree with the writer and I would like to add that governments have big a responsibility to take the first step towards incorporating biodiversity as standard in town planning. Moreover, spreading awareness and increasing campaigns are important factors to instill the importance of living sustainably and maintaining Earth's biodiversity.

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